Submit articles

To submit your abstract, please download the template, and send your abstract according to template via this email address:


Attention: students’ abstracts must be submitted only from the student panel, according to it’s specific guideline and Emailed to:

 18th Annual Congress of IADR, Iranian division

Abstract submission

General Guidelines and Regulation:



a) Terms and condition:

Abstracts must be submitted on the understanding that they have not been presented  and are not currently under consideration by another conference. The submitting speaker should ensure that the abstract publication has been approved by all other co-authors.

Abstract should not exceed 300 words

The abstract must be in English, font size 12 in Times New Roman fonts and with single-line spacing.

In cases of research or clinical study, the abstract must be based on the original research or original clinical case studies, or their modifications e.g clinical trials, animal studies, systematic review meta-analysis.

No case reports, case series, and reviews are allowed for submission.

If the abstract has been selected for presenting, the speaker automatically gives permission for publishing the abstract in the 18th congress of IADR, and the participant will be notified about any further requirements.

Deadlines and other inquires:

No participation forms will be considered after 5th May2023.

Incomplete participation information and requirements will not be accepted as all required information should be received before the submission deadline.

Abstracts should be submitted by e-mail at:

Please title your email as: 18th IADR abstract

All abstracts should contain Authors’ names and current affiliation.
In addition, the presenter should provide his or her phone number preferably with an active Whatsapp account for further notifications.8